Quantity of effective live bacteria≧ 20 million/g; organic matter ≧30%; N+P2O5+K2O=8.0%; water content ≦30%; pH: 5.5-8.5;

● Enhancing soil fertility: providing all kinds of nutrient for crops and prevent a wide range of nutritional deficiency.
● Microbial beneficial bacteria: effective in preventing soil-born diseases by occupying protection and secreting antibiotics.
● Improving soil: improving soil granular structure, adjusting soil pH, increasing organic mattern content and adding beneficial bacteria.
● Improving fertilizer utilization; enhancing crop stress resistance to increase yield and improve crop quality.
● This product can be used as base fertilizer and added fertilizer, mainly in furrow application and plug application.
● It is recommended to apply 50-100 kg per Mu and the quantity applied can be adjusted depending on soil conditions and application habits. This product can also be used in combination with other fertilizer.
● This product is applicable to a wide variety of crops: melons and fruits, Solanaceae, roots and stems, fruit trees, field crops, etc.
● This product contains live bacteria, so it shall not be used with chemical bactericide.
● This product shall be kept at room temperature and out of the sun.